Pastoral Letter on the Opening of the Season of Creation 2024

August 30, 2024

Pastoral Letter on the Opening of the Season of Creation 2024

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Peace be with you!

As the second quarter of 2024 unfolded, we were confronted with the stark reality of environmental issues, including record-breaking heatwaves that pushed temperatures to life-threatening extremes.  These were followed by an unprecedented rainy season that brought about immense flooding, not only in low-lying areas, but also in places previously unaffected.  Lives, work, and livelihood were threatened.

Mother Earth is groaning!

Most Filipinos are naturally mother-oriented. 'Naku po' is a by-word for us.  This phrase is uttered in various situations, including when we are thrilled by good news, taken aback by surprise, or overwhelmed by bad news, fear, or trouble. "Naku po" is essentially a colloquial expression for "Inay ko po! (My mother!).  We do not say, 'Itay ko po!'  (My father!), not because we love our fathers less than our mothers.  It just comes naturally for us.

Our bond with our mothers is rooted from conception.  We were born with the pangs of birth and then utmost joy. (John 16:21) The image of a mother in anguish is indeed unbearable, prompting us to instinctively alleviate her suffering and bring comfort.

Creation is groaning in the pains of childbirth (Romans 8:22)

The 2024 Season of Creation theme, "To hope and act with Creation", is inspired by Romans 8:19-24.

St. Paul presents creation as a mother in pain, groaning as in childbirth due to humanity's greed and unsustainable use of her resources.  (Laudato Si, 204) St. Francis of Assisi also saw creation as our sister and our mother (Canticle of Creatures).  Would Mother Earth continue to care for us if we neglected to care for her?

As Mother Earth cries out in lament, humans and all creatures suffer the consequences of our destructive actions causing climate crisis, loss of biodiversity, environmental degradation, and human suffering.  Our structural and ecological sins inflict pain on Earth and all creatures, including ourselves.  These are due to our negligence, ignorance, and unrelenting desire to satisfy unrealistic selfish dreams (cf. Rom 8:22).

Through our shared mother-oriented nature, we see hope.  We hope for a better future by making a new start. (LS, 205) In the Sacred Scriptures, to hope is not to remain passive and motionless. Hope is a transformative process of overcoming adversity, marked by intense struggle, yet ultimately yielding new life and renewal.

The Diocese of Imus acknowledges the progress made in responding to the call of the Season of Creation.  Our small accomplishments bring hope, and the gift of hope empowers us to act.

Creation is standing on tiptoe waiting for the children of God to be revealed (Romans 8:19)

According to Saint Paul, since Creation and humanity have been conceived from the beginning, they are mutually connected.  His Holiness Pope Francis emphasized this co-responsibility that, as we care for creation, we take care of ourselves, especially the poor (LS, 139) who suffer most whenever the environment is attacked.  (LS, 48) Indeed, the first fruits of hope can only be born if we work together with Creation.

As God's children, we should humbly acknowledge our place, worshipping and honoring the Lord and recognizing our sacred responsibility as stewards of creation.

Our Mother Earth is groaning! What child would not care at all?

Pope Francis admonishes us: 'The world in which we live is collapsing and may be near breaking point' (Laudate Deum, 2).  Let us hope and act now.

As we simultaneously launch the 2024 Season of Creation  in all parishes on this 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, we reiterate our urgent call for parishes to:

  1. fully organize and equip the Parish Ministri sa Kalikasan;
  2. make effective the implentation of the 10-point agenda by Circular Letter No. 2019-2 (Mga Polisiya upang ang ating Diyosesis ay Maging Zero-Waste Church) in parishes and in the basic ecclesial communities;
  3. adopt other activities and programs set by the Diocese of Imus Ministry on Ecology (DIMEC) for the 2024 Season of Creation and beyond; and 
  4. for a meaningful celebration, we enjoin every parish to plant at least (5) endemic, native or local trees, corresponding to the (5) Larangan ng mga Apostolado, within the compound of the parish Church or selected areas within the parish.

When we plant trees, we nurture the virtue of hope.

As we listen to the cry of Creation, let us contemplate on the anguish of the Mother of Christ before the Cross.  Let us pray for the conversion of our hearts.

Sincerely in Christ,


Bishop of Imus

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Pastoral Letter on the Opening of the Season of Creation 2024

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